Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pt Reyes and baby bears

We took a trip up the coast a few weeks ago. It was great to get out of the city. Having a vehicle is great to get away! We missed the whale migration south by a week, but we're going to go back in March to see them going North with their calves; it should be fun. We walked on the beach and had a picnic lunch. The boys loved it and almost slept through the whole adventure. Oh well, there will definitely be more.

The boys sleep pretty well...if they are in their bear suits. We've tried to put them to bed with just pj's and blankets and they wake up every hour. If they're wearing there suits, they usually sleep until 4am and then again until 8. I hope we're not conditioning them to only be able to sleep with the bear suits, it may be hard to find them in teenager sizes.

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